Director of Music
Director of Music
St Nicholas Church Shepperton is located to the west of London (Kensington Episcopal; Area of the Diocese of London) and is situated in
‘Old’ Shepperton, a short walk from the bustling village centre, on the banks of the river Thames.
Main Duties of the Musical Director
- Conducting the choir, or in the absence of our principal organist, playing the organ, at the Parish Eucharist on Sunday mornings and at Evensong, normally on the first Sunday evening of the month, and at services on Ascension Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
- Playing the Piano/Keyboard for the All-Age Worship Service on Sunday mornings and at the Crib services on Christmas Eve.
- Taking a choir rehearsal on Thursday evening, except in the weeks after Easter and Christmas, and during the month of August; and directing the choir in rehearsal and performance.
- Work with the Choir to develop skills and abilities and encourage enjoyment in singing.
- Preparing music lists as agreed for approval by the Rector
- Ensuring that an organist or accompanist is available for each service and practice if you are not in attendance.
- Organising and conducting the choir at a cathedral or other major church annually.
- Organising and promotion of a series of concerts that would subsidise the music fund.
- To develop the connection between the Church and St Nicholas School.
- To build up Choir membership through appropriate recruitment initiatives.
- Maintain church music library – purchasing music for the choir as required.
- Ensure organ and piano are tuned regularly, are well maintained and cared for.
Additional services
Where the church wishes to have an additional service where a choir is required, you will be given as much notice as possible and be invited
to play/conduct.
Weddings and funerals
You are expected to make reasonable efforts to be available to play/conduct at weddings and funerals and similar services where a choir is required. If you are unable to be present, you must notify the church as soon as possible
Skills and Education
- Good level of proficiency of the Organ, Piano/Keyboard and other instruments
- Good level of proficiency conducting and developing a SATB choir (10-15 members)
- Experience in performing, directing and accompanying music, preferably in a church setting
- Evidence of a high level of general musicianship
The successful candidate must be in sympathy with the inclusive nature and ethos of St Nicholas, a church with the Eucharist at the heart of
its worship.
The position is subject to a DBS disclosure.
Application by covering letter and CV, including details of two referees familiar with the applicant’s performing abilities, general musicianship and professional ethic. One of which, where applicable, must include the current or most recent Church employer.