PLEASE NOTE: From 1st September, our main service time changed to 10am every Sunday and this service will incorporate a dedicated time of teaching for the younger members of our congregation. Each week will include “SNAP” – a time of dedicated teaching for our younger members to learn bible stories through the use of Godly Play. The fourth Sunday of each month will be an All Age Eucharist where we can all worship together in a more informal setting.
************************************* Our 10.00am all age Eucharist serviceon 22nd September will be celebrating Harvest.If you are able to, please bring canned/tinned/dried goods/ toiletries/laundry products that you are able to donate and these will be collected during the service. They will then be given to the Bags of Food food bank based at the Jubilee Church here in Shepperton. (Please note the food bank is unable to accept fresh goods) After the 10.00am service on 22nd, we will be celebrating Harvest with a bring and share lunch – hopefully on the rectory lawn if the weather is kind. There is a list at the back of church for you to sign up that you are coming along to the lunch and what food you would like to bring with you – just so that everybody doesn’t bring the same food! Drinks will be provided so if you want anything specific, please feel free to bring your own.